For management before and after surgical operation, we send you eye health care informations via text messages.



What is ophthalmology?

The department of Ophthalmology performs safe operations, and provide necessary treatments with needed methods

Through close investigation, if we seek potential side-effects we will not perform an operation. Central Hospital’s department of Ophthalmology will value patients providing 1:1 customized treatments.

Many think that as long as they can see well, it’s fine with it.
If the symptoms are not severe, in many cases, patients endure the pain and go on.
In many cases, ophthalmology patients don’t visit the hospital till they could not bear the pain anymore.
People often tend to neglect the eye more than other body parts.

However, these thoughts may result an irrevocable consequence. ‘It'll be okay after a little bit of time..’, ‘It’s not like I can’t see anything, I’ll just visit the hospital later..’ does this sound familiar to you? Then you may be getting ready to regret it more than anyone else.

The human eye should be cared before sickness, be treated immediately when in pain, and not to quickly judge the symptom’s improvement.

Target diseases

  • 01Cataract

    - A human eye is very similar to a camera. When the transparent crystalline lens, which is the camera’s lens, clouds hazy we call this a Cataract. A hazy vision as if it’s foggy and unclear sight of an object, if you feel that these two symptoms are progressing very slowly, you may be suffuring from cataract.

    - Besides the above symptoms, these are also the symptoms caused by cataract: you can see better at darker places rather than brighter places, experience double vision of an object, patients with farsightedness due to old age experience sudden improvement on farsightedness with out using far vision glasses.

  • 02Glaucoma

    - Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerves, if not treated well, may lead to permanent loss of sight or even lose a patient’s sight. This disease is so common that, 9 out of 1 adult blind patients are blinded because of glaucoma.

    - As the glaucoma is called ‘the silent vision thief’, there are no observable symptoms. Half of the glaucoma patients doesn’t even notices the illness and gradually loses their sight. But by getting a regular ophthalmic examination, if you detect glaucoma in an early stage, the treatment can be started before complete optic nerve damage.

  • 03Diabetic retinal disease

    - A diabetes is a general disease that is caused by the lack and functional disorder of Insulin enzyme, which disgregates the sugar inside our body. Patients suffering from diabetes experiences the increase of sugar level inside the blood. When blood sugar rates increases, the patient shows symptoms such as fatigue, thirst, mass food ingestion, increase amount of urine, urtication and causeless weight loss.

    - Because of sugar metabolic disorders, diabetes cause variations in many vital organs of our body. Especially in the eyes, it causes serious visual disturbance like cataract, diabetic retinopathy(change in the retina vessel) and rubeotic glaucoma.

  • 04Ametropia

    - Our eye acts as the lens of a camera. But when the human eye cannot focus on an object properly at the retina because of various environmental and hereditary reasons, this makes the image blurry. This is referred as the Ametropia(nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism). The cause of the decreased vision is divided into two reasons : hereditary cause, and environmental cause.